I removed my wifi.tcz with AppsAudit
Installed current version of wifi.tcz using Apps
I used sudo wifi.sh to run the application
TRY 1 failed
TRY 2 was successful
following is the output of the two tries I ran using
Note in TRY1
- Strength is 70 for all access points
- my target is item 13
Note in TRY2
- Strength is unique for each access point and in descending order
- my target is item 1
I restarted tcl several times and found the same pattern- failure/success- after selecting my access point and failing, subsequent tries succeeded.
Found wifi device wlan0
Standby for available networks...
Select Wifi Access Point
1. svs on 70
2. shamrock on 70 WPA
3. selizab on 70
4. pappawabbit on 70
5. jardin on 70
6. hpsetup off 70
7. dean on 70
8. chopnet on 70 WPA
9. carmfro on 70 WPA
10. NETGEAR_1955_36 on 70 WPA
11. MuckipLuvsPatron on 70 WPA
12. FastCar on 70
13. 2WIRE572 on 70
14. 2WIRE330 on 70 WPA
15. Noppe's tachyon beam on 70 WPA
Enter selection from (1-15) or (q)uit:1
Enter Passwprd (8 tp 56 characters) for 2WIRE572:********** Re-enter:**********
*** Accepted.
Trying to associate with 2WIRE572..........................could not associate with
Found wifi device wlan0
Standby for available netowrks...
Select Wifi Access Point
1. 2WIRE572 on 57
2. 2WIRE330 on 24 WPA
3. MuckipLuvsPatron on 22 WPA
4. SFHAwifi off 21
5. NETGEAR_1955_36 on 21 WPA
6. FastCar on 20
7. dean on 17
8. svs on 15
8. HP8C3E9E on 15
10. selizab on 14
11. hpsetup off 13
12. 2WIRE598 on 10
13. John Mola's Network on 20 WPA
Enter selection from (1-15) or (q)uit:1
Enter Passwprd (8 tp 56 characters) for 2WIRE572:********** Re-enter:**********
*** Accepted.
Trying to associate with 2WIRE572...Success.
Requesting IP.
udhcpc (v1.18.3) started
Sending discover...
Sending select for
Lease of 192.168.176 obtained, lease time 86400
deleting routers
route: SIOCDELRT: No such process
adding dns