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Little help with customization

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Can anyone help me with customization of TCL ?

I've installed TCL on 4GB pendrive with partitions:
10mb for grub and its formated as fat32
rest for TCL

I would like to lunch TCL with:
- gtk2
- atk
- Xorg 7.5
- Xorg 7.5 dev
- Xorg 7.5 lib
- expat2
- glib2
- cairo
- fontconfig
- gdk_pixbuf2
- pango
- pixman

When i set erstore param do sdb and tce param to sdb i nothing happend .
Just start brand new TCL.

Please help

Best regards

It is ideal to use ext2 not fat32.

Start Apps Audit -> On Boot, and put the extensions in On Boot.

sdb is the raw drive. You need to be using partitions.
Do not forget the waitusb=5 boot option.

Please do some reading in the wiki.

10 is formated as fat32
rest is formated as ext4

Ok, when i add tcz to onboot.lst then mc is starting normally.
But when i want lunch app who require tcz listed in my first post get error : gtk is missing " etc ...

Best Regards


--- Quote from: ozyrys on June 30, 2011, 09:23:42 AM ---But when i want lunch app who require tcz listed in my first post get error : gtk is missing " etc ...

--- End quote ---

This is what happens when extensions are not downloaded with the apps browser, which takes care of downloading all dependent extensions and support files (.dep).

..or alternatively what happens when apps browser is used in "download only" mode and then you later add extensions to onboot.lst manually.


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