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Author Topic: How to load Hyper-V modules during boot  (Read 5973 times)

Offline sunmast

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How to load Hyper-V modules during boot
« on: July 12, 2011, 11:00:25 PM »
Hyper-V drivers has been included in Linux Kernel since 2.6.32. So I wonder if I can enable them in Tiny Core?
In Ubuntu I enable them by adding 4 lines to / etc / initramfs-tools / modules (sorry I only have a little Ubuntu experience):


Is there an equivalent way in Tiny Core?

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Offline maro

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Re: How to load Hyper-V modules during boot
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 01:33:17 AM »
As I was pretty sure that the 3.x kernel had been built without those kernel modules I had a quick "play" with make menuconfig on the 3.x kernel sources: When selecting 'Device Drivers' and after enabling and then selecting 'Staging Drivers' I had to disable 'Exclude Staging drivers from beeing built', before I could go down and enable 'Microsoft Hyper-V client drivers'.

With this changed configuration (which essentially makes the following few changes
Code: [Select]
in the '.config' file) one should be able (at least in theory) to build the missing modules.

I for one neither have access to a Hyper-V system, nor the inclination to test this out, so all this is purely a theoretical excercise for me. I therefore have no idea what else might be missing.