Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Talk

.dep for -doc-tcz & -locale.tcz


Now it's the time to find a common agreement regarding dep list for -doc.tcz and -locale.tcz See my proposal.

<extname>-doc.tcz - no need for dep list. No need for any extension to process doc files (well, you need tools but not in a dep list).

<extname>-locale.tcz - dep list is needed with a single item, <extname>.tcz (later load can be done automatically by package manager and dep can be dropped)

Please comment.


I specially agree with -doc not having .dep, as I use less to read even troff formatted manpages. Some would choose to strip the formatting instead, to make plain text of those. Others would choose to download info. Still others may even use man. So no .dep is a fine compromise for me.


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