Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Talk

Extension maintainership

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Jason W:
When updating an extension originally made by someone else, one needs to contact the original extension maker with the intention to update or fix it.  Usually a request for an extension to be updated can be made in the extension's TCE News thread and the extension maintainer will update it or give the go-ahead for it to be updated.  If the original extension maker cannot be contacted in either PM or in the forum and a week goes by after announcing the intentions in the extensions news thread, then one can proceed with an update.  Even if the original extension maker appear to be inactive it is good to at least try to contact them.  On the unusual and not seen before chance that an extension maintainer will not update an extension and will not allow it to be updated, I or another team member will get involved and if the extension is holding up the repo's progress by not being updated I or another team member will overrule the original extension maker and allow the update.  I don't think that will ever happen, but I had to throw it in just in case.  But team members do reserve the right to adjust, update, or pull an extension when the need arises.

There were 30 extensions, new or updated, posted yesterday and there are 5 more waiting on me as I just roll out of bed.  It is great to see that kind of progress in the repo, please keep it coming.  But as I don't have time to play email tag among extension makers regarding this issue, I have to trust that this guideline is being followed.  If you are an extension maker and you see one of your extensions updated without your being consulted and it is a concern to you, either contact the person who submitted the update or bring it up in the extension's TCE News thread.  

Many hands make for light work, but communication is also vital in the process.

And most of all thanks everyone for your time and efforts.

oh yes you are right!!

By the way, in a batch of extensions, I sent in an updated version of python-setuptools.tcz as it was very outdated(hasn't been updated since December 2012), and packages I was building needed a newer version. Hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes, I just thought the maintainer, which is remus, might have forgot about it, and it might be useful to have a newer version.

Hi JustinCB
It is customary to first send a PM to the extension maintainer to ask their permission. If they don't reply in a week, post that you
will be updating that extension. As a courtesy, send  remus  a PM to let him know it was updated.

What about situations, when the author doesn't have account on forum (so there's no possibility to contact him)?
(Submitted openssl updates some days ago for 6.*/7.* branch because it was very outdated.)


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