Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum

iso boot from Usb not loading extentions in built iso

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im having a small problem i have followed the wiki and loaded my fav extentions onto a new iso i then put it on my flash drive and boot it via the multi-boot method using grub4dos and it just fails to pickup the tce directory in the iso

however when i create a tce directory on my flashdrive and put the modules in there it loads fine only when specifying the tce=sdb1 boot param so my question is this

How can i automate this so i dont have to type tinycore tce=sdb1
id also like to automate desktop=lxde and noicons
if possible i have read through many of your threads stating that the new lxde should fix it but flux starts up before lxde thus just overlapping it

Thanks for all the Help i really do enjoy this little distro you guys got going smaller then slax and perfect for what i need :)

alright well i figured it out just had to do a bit more reading basicly,
I just changed the isolinux.cfg file and added the required parts such as (tce=sdb1 desktop=lxde and noicons) as for the extentions loading from the iso...sadly that still isnt working but loading from /mnt/sdb1/tce is fine at the moment  i have tried /sr0 and / and even /tce im really puzzled on how this works because i have wasted 2 cds that dont load any extensions at boot time

again thanks for all the help

From the menu (right click) select Tools -> USB Installation

You will need certain extensions installed - It will tell you.

I used the Ext option.

This will include something like this with the UUID of your USB drive.

When you use tce=sdb1, if you put the USB drive in another computer, it may be sda1, or sdc1, or sdd1, so it will not work. With the UUID it will work in any computer (which boots from a USB drive).

You can also edit extlinux.conf and add,
home=UUID="b647c07e-d1f2-461a-9d4a-045b450ad1fd" opt=UUID="b647c07e-d1f2-461a-9d4a-045b450ad1fd"
using the UUID of your USB drive.

Install extensions while running from the USB drive. Another option is to copy and paste extensions to the tce directory.

There are also other ways to do this. This way works.

The way I understand, the primary problem mouse is having is that extensions are not loaded when they are integrated in ISO.
This solution appears to me for the secondary issue of recognizing \tce which was created to circumvent the root problem mouse was having.
Therefore, if I am not mistaken in my interpretation of the problem, the question was how to make tce extensions load from the custom ISO?

If you create a tce directory for the new iso, and paste extensions to it, before creating the iso, they will be loaded when you run Tiny Core from the iso.


Another option.

If you run Tiny Core from an unmodified cd.

You can create an Ext3 partition on the hard drive. Create a tce directory there, and put extensions in it. They will also be loaded when you run Tiny Core from the cd.


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