Tiny Core Base > TCB Q&A Forum

Extensions mounted as cramf's and squashf's


From ....cpanel...system stats.....mounts

some extensions are mounted as cramf's, and some as squashf's

Should  I  redownload  extensions so all are squashf's?

(currently running version tc 2.3rc3)

Why are you still on any release candidate?
Release candidates are for testing only. Most have known bugs!
Please upgrade to the latest released version.

In v2.5 we have tce-update which will batch update your extensions.
Read change log on how to update your system files from release to release.

All extensions have been updated to squashfs.

Why am I still running tc2.3rc3...easy answer!
I like it...it works well.on  my old kwirky hardware...and all my important apps (alsa,Xorg and JWM) now work without issues.

What I would like to know is whether I would see a real  advantage  in speed or installed size using  extensions that use squashfs vs cramfs?

Jason W:
Cramfs worked with most extensions though it has limitations.  File size, image size, uid/gid, and lack of time stamps are limitations it has the can adversely affect certain extensions.   As mentioned, I would highly recommend updating any cramfs extensions to squashfs.

Thanks for response........updated all extensions to  squashfs
about one half my extensions had been cramfs...


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