Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

mysql-dev.tcz.md5.txt is missing in the repo


mysql-dev.tcz.md5.txt is missing in the repo

Jason W:
Actually, I checked the md5sum of the mysql submission and mysql-dev.tcz failed against the submitted md5sum.  I had to repack the mysql.tczl extension for permissions of the tce.installed directory and was meaning to address the md5 of mysql-dev now that I recall, but it slipped through.

The submitted mysql-dev.tcz is md5sum of 00ec4d281e272e6258c3aa75fbb8421b, while the md5.txt says 3418cb6d441a3b25149e2a141a1cbcc2.  If mysql-dev could be resubmitted I will upload it.

OK, will do so...

Jason W:
Thanks, its uploaded.  Yeah, I am going to have to make the md5 check throw up a red error if it is mismatched since with the current audit script too many are getting past me.  I will also run a check on the repo from time to time.


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