dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions



Jason W:
Sce-update has been updated to trigger an update of an SCE which as a package whose startup script has been removed from the repo. 

Jason W:
Sce-update has been updated to not run an update check on an SCE that is not able to be imported on the current session.  Namely one that has been imported from an extra repo in /opt/debextra that is no longer available and is not available as either from an exisiting .lst list file, prebuilt, meta package on our server, or the Debian/Ubuntu repos.  An existing SCE that was not able to be re-imported was left intact in the previous method, but now there are not a lot of confusing entries in /tmp/updateavailable about dependencies being removed or added to the SCE though no action would being taken. 

Jason W:
sce-update has been updated to call on "sudo importupdatecheck" once rather than using sudo throughout importupdatecheck which had caused a noticeable slowdown in the newer dCore ports.   

Jason W:
sce-update has been updated with procps added to its dependencies, when procps is not installed sce-update gives a false result of no updates available.  Also updated in 64 bit dCore.

Jason W:
sce-update has been updated with a fix to properly deal with extra repo DEBINX files when they contain entries for more than one architecture, ie both i386 and x86_64.

This is also fixed in sce-update on dCore 64 bit ports.


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