Tiny Core Extensions > Extension requests

SteamCMD(not full steam)

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This isn't a full steam client more like a headless downloader for game servers to use etc. 

I plan to try and use tiny core as a minimal, low power, steam downloader.  My internet is slow it can take 12 hrs or more to download games.  I am going to eventually try to do it myself but my linux skills are weak I never learned how to manually install software in Linux.  If this is easy I might still struggle with it for a week and this could be something other people could use aswell. 

Those pre-built binaries are often targeted at more mainstream Linux distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, etc.
I guess it's possible to get SteamCMD running on Tinycore, maybe by providing certain versions of libraries (LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./libs) that are required from said Distros, but it's probably easier to just use a lean Debian based distro if you want it to just work.

However, I sometimes use libs from a Debian installation to get stuff working on Tinycore for personal use.

I was trying to test this command line Steam client in TC 10.x (x86) and get this:

--- Code: ---sudo adduser steam
then I set password
typed password
wget http://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
tar xjf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
cd linux32
--- End code ---
I cannot login to Steam account probably because of 

--- Code: ---opensslconnection.cpp (1490) : Assertion Failed: unable to load trusted SSL root
--- End code ---
I instaled ca-certyficates.tcz and created symlink but it won't work.

--- Code: ---sudo ln -s /usr/local/etc/ssl /etc/ssl/
--- End code ---

You could try using strace to see where steamcmd is looking for the certificates?

I was able to login to this tool. But it's only for downloading and updating dedicated servers not games. At least now I know it use /etc/ssl for certificates.

Just for the record. Here is final script for TC 10.x (x86)

--- Code: ---tce-load -iw bash.tcz
tce-load -iw ca-certificates.tcz
sudo ln -s /usr/local/etc/ssl /etc/ssl

sudo adduser steam
then I set password
typed password
wget http://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
tar xzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
cd linux32
--- End code ---


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