Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum

incorrect desktop screen size

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Hi.the width of my desktop is smaller than the monitor view size. The vertical size is correct but the horizontal is smaller both left and right. Nothing is cut off. But when i open say Opera browser sections are missing  left/right. I have no problems with other distros(have 4 installed) . I'm using a HP2710p laptop. Xvesa does not respond to any changes. I've been searching on the net for tiny aspect ratio, screen size etc but nothing seems to work.
Both the hard drive installation and from usb gives me a reduced screen size. Would greatly appreciate if i'm directed to the required links etc.
Many thanks.

If you exit to the prompt and enter xsetup.sh - do you get the screen size/resolution you're looking for?

If not, maybe you need to try Xorg-7.7 and the appropriate driver (xf86-video-*) for your hardware.

Thank you for the prompt reply. Nothing happens with xsetup.sh. tried all options displayed. It's not the resolution but the actual screen size which is smaller and not filling up the monitor size. Do we call this the aspect ratio. Well thats how i interpret it. Thanks and best Regards.

As mentioned, you could try Xorg and the appropriate driver for your hardware

busy looking into Xorg. could you explain what the -screen option in Xvesa used for. Thank you.


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