Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

GIMP2 icon but no cli access


Running X86 TC version 7.2 with a frugal hd install.  Downloaded gimp2 from repo fine with gui APPS tool.

Icon created, and runs fine when started that way.

But I can't seem to start it in aterm.  I have looked inside /tce/optional and found it listed there as gimp2.tcz along with all the others in my system.
Initially I tried changing it from onboot to ondemand and back to onboot, but am wondering.

Not a showstopper.

Any errors in aterm?

Yes.  To clarify..

When gimp2 is run as an onboot item, the icon is created and can be launched that way.  However, when trying to run from aterm, "gimp2: not found" is the error.

As and ondemand item:  When called up from the cli as an ondemand item, there are a handful of errors about "cannot open shared object file" on some libraries but gimp2 opens - although I'm not sure what affect that will have on the program.

As a mountable item - (aka via tce-load -i) and run from aterm - no errors.

I do a full reboot with save when changing the program's status..

I'll reconfigure and grab those errors, but it is like half a page's worth...

While the extension is named  gimp2 , the actual executable is  gimp-2.8  to which there is a symlink named  gimp .
Isn't it great when version numbers in filenames confuse everybody?

Yeah - perhaps gimp-gtk2 might have been a better name...


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