Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

Get Touchscreen with ADS7846 working

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I'm using PiCore 8.0 and am trying to get a 3.5" touchscreen working.
The OUtput already works thanks to the fbtft thread.

However I'm struggling with the ADS7846 Touchscreen support. I added

--- Code: ---dtoverlay=ads7846,speed=1000000,penirq=17,swapxy=1
--- End code ---
just below dtparam=i2c=on,spi=on,i2s=on in /mnt/mmbclk0p1/config.txt, but there seem to be problems.

After Booting there is no new /dev/input device (in raspbian a new /dev/input/event? device was created).
dmesg | grep ads results:

--- Code: ---tc@piCorePlayer:/mnt/mmcblk0p1$ dmesg | grep ads
[   42.541341] ads7846: Unknown symbol hwmon_device_unregister (err 0)
[   42.541411] ads7846: Unknown symbol hwmon_device_register_with_groups (err 0)
[   49.948475] spi spi0.1: ads7846 spi0.1 1000kHz 8 bits mode=0x00
[   50.553065] spi spi0.1: ads7846 spi0.1 1000kHz 8 bits mode=0x00

--- End code ---

which does not look good to me. Can anybody help me where the problem is?
Best regards

I read a clue and was able to help myself :)

Although I dont fully understand how modules and device overlays interfere with each other, I tried to modprobe ads7846 and got the same error message in dmesg.

With modinfo ads7846 I discoverd that ds7846 needs hwmon. I finally added it to my tcz and now the touchscreen seems to work as /dev/input/event2. Now I'm fighting with the calibration which shows on the wrong monitor... :(

Unknown symbol indicates a missing kernel module on which ads7846 module depends on. Use modinfo to check dependencies.

@bmarkus: I think it was you from whom I got the idea of modinfo from anoter thread :)

After a second try, I now also have the calibration working. I dont know why it didnt worked on the first run...

--- Code: ---sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb1 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event2 /usr/local/bin/ts_calibrate
sudo TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb1 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event2 /usr/local/bin/ts_test
--- End code ---

Thanks anyhow :)

hey dirk_h,
after you ran the calibration using those commands, were things working correctly when you started jivelite again?  i can run the calibration just fine using your code, but the changes don't seem to carry over into jivelite - the motion is too fast near the edges, and the X axis is inverted.  i tried filetool.sh -b after running the calibration but it still didn't help.  how did you get it to persist/work in jivelite?


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