Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Talk

java tweaks


After telling the user to download jdk-*u*-linux-i586.tar.gz, the java-installer app creates both jdk*.tcz and jre*.tcz extensions, and then tells the user to add jdk*.tcz to onboot.lst.

My understanding (correct?) is that only jre is needed for web browsing, so I put jre8.tcz in onboot.lst instead. This appears to work and speeds the boot time a little.

I also added home/tc/jdk-*.tar.gz to .xfiletool.lst, since I'm always forgetting to delete the downloaded tar file when I reboot after installing! I wonder if deleting the tar file after creating the extensions should be added to the java-installer processing, or if there's a downside to this.


That would be making 2 possibly false assumptions.
1. You do not want to keep the file.
2. The location of the tar file.

I agree that 1) is a valid point, although personally I have never had a reason to keep the tar file once the extensions were created.

For 2) the java-installer app does require that the tar file be located at /home/tc, so the app could delete it from there. But if indeed there are reasons to keep the tar file until the user specifically deletes it, that would not be a good idea.


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