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Does anybody know of an "mplayer-no-deps" command that will stream a youtube video from the tool
called "youtube-dl". If so, please can you tell it to me.

Recently my "mps-youtube" tool no longer works right for watching youtube videos....neither does "minitube" from the repo. They both report variuos faults that seem somewhat involved. I have spent quite some time trying to get both of them working right..... and was close but not complete.

I only want to watch videos in 3gp format since by using the extra mplayer switch "-zoom" the video seems more than acceptable to me on a full laptop screen while only requiring 30 megabytes of downloading per HOUR of youtube documentary etc. (regular 360p videos in the default youtube format require 230 megs per hour)

There are several "youtube clone" web sites for grabbing the familiar ".3gp" cell phone format of any youtube
videos from any topics you search. (Waptiny).....but instead i use the "youtube-dl" tool to download the 3gp file of any video residing at the proper youtube website. (the link of that video)

sudo youtube-dl -f 17 "the url of the video from the youtube site"

I experimented for a long while with google opinions on streaming youtube via mplayer but non of those ideas seemed to work. Mplayer seemed to correctly start up but complained it did not have the right video decoder equal to what was being demanded of it by the youtube link. If you killed that attempt you could always see a quik blink of the video window then end. So it was certainly trying, but it wasn't displaying the video window. The methods i used off of google concerned STDIN and i think this is why mplayer was not displaying the video window. I never tried these same methods with the regular mplayer.....only mplayer-no-deps.



with the switches "-zoom" and "-fs" it seems that mplayer will play .3gp video files at acceptable full screen quality to me.




--- Quote from: cast-fish on November 10, 2015, 06:15:16 AM ---Does anybody know of an "mplayer-no-deps" command that will stream a youtube video from the tool called "youtube-dl". If so, please can you tell it to me.
--- End quote ---

mpv (https://mpv.io/), which is a fork of MPlayer and mplayer2, and has recently been added to the Tiny Core Linux 6.x x86_64 repo, can do this.

mpv uses youtube-dl to play YouTube videos directly (youtube-dl needs to be installed of course).

To do this, you simply need to open the YouTube URL with mpv, like this:

--- Code: ---mpv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqz-KE-bpKQ
--- End code ---


You can also specify the youtube-dl format (if you don't like youtube-dl's default format setting), see:


So, in your case:

--- Code: ---mpv --ytdl-format=17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqz-KE-bpKQ
--- End code ---


Since youtube-dl does not seem to be available in the Tiny Core Linux repos, I have requested it to be added, see:



Youtube-dl is likely not in the repos because Youtube TOS forbids downloading.


so all the worlds oceans of browser extensions for downloading youtube vids are illegal?........including apps like youtube-dl........so why do google
and other such large corps host those extensions in their own global store?

anyhow........ what i don't understand about the MPV idea is surely the video is still being downloaded?...since MPV is using a pipe
from youtube-dl        (so the video still ends up on your HDD?)

i wanted a pure streaming method that didn't leave a final video file lying around on your machine...... or in your cache maybe

anyhow,can MPV be simply installed into TCL via git?........similar to how "youtube-dl" was installed?



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