Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum

mount fails on tc-load

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Hi Everyone,

I used the instructions in the Tiny Core Book to create an extension. Since I already had a build tree, I only needed this command.

$ mksquashfs app.tcz /tmp/buildroot/

This tcz file was copied to my tiny core VM, but I was unable to install it.

$ tce-load -i fapp.tcz
mount: mounting /dev/loop47 on /tmp/tcloop/app failed: Invalid argument

I'm using the lastest Tiny Core Plus image. Is there something I'm missing here?

You should not be including the while build tree.
You should be constructing the usr/local tree structure for your app in a work directory, and squashing that.

Also your problem description has inconsistent naming for the application.
You use app in some lines, and fapp in another.

Hi. Thanks for the reply.

The my buildroot contains only the files that are installed.

The fapp was a mistype in this forum post. I didn't actually type that in the command line.

Is there anything else I need to do, other than building the install tree and squashing it?


Did you copy the tcz to /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional ?

Yes. I attempted to use the GUI application installer first.



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