Tiny Core Base > TCB Talk

Please, update wiki for how to install MariaDB and setting.


I can't find how to install and setting MariaDB on TCL, I find only MySQL.


Now I installed must more package for LAMP, Apache 2, Apache 2.4, Apache mod php5, MariaDB Client, MariaDB Lib. However, I can't find how to config MariaDB and how to start MariaDB.

Please, update wiki for MariaDB install and setting.

4.7 has only mysql, no mariadb.
5.3 has mariadb clients only.  No mysql/mariadb server supported.

You can create and submit an extension, or post a request in the extension request thread.
You could also test the mysql extension from 4.7 in 5.3, and if it works post a notice in the thread for 4.x extensions that work in 5.x so it can be copied over.

Thank you. ;D


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