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Perl DBD::mysql installation problem - mysql_config


I am using TC 5.3 and I am trying to install the Perl module "DBD::mysql" using "cpan install DBD::mysql". Thats the output:

Its basically saying that it cannot find "mysql_config". Usually it seems this binary is coming with the mysql or with the mysql-dev package. It turned out that MySQL has been replaced by MariaDB in TinyCore so I installed both packages mariadb-clients.tcz and mariadb-lib.tcz. But still cpan states that it cannot find "mysql_config". It is possible to provide a manual path for mysql_config but I cannot find it on the filesystem either. As far as I have read MariaDB can replace MySQL completely in a binary compatible way so I thought it should work with MariaDB.

Any hints please where am I doing wrong or what I could try? Thanks!

You could try the mysql/mysql-dev extensions from the tc-4.x repo - if they work with tc-5.x they can be copied over.

Great, thank you! That worked. I copied mysql-dev from TC4 and then I could install DBD::mysql. Afterwards I could remove mysql-dev again and installed mariadb-lib to make it run.

But, according to this stackoverflow question, MariaDB comes with a compatible mysql_config by itself: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22949654/mysql-config-not-found-when-installing-mysqldb-python-interface-for-mariadb-10-u
Maybe that could be included into the TC MariaDB extension.


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