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dual boot ubuntu and tcl

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i am new in tcl and i would like to know how is it possible to make a dual boot for ubuntu and tcl. at this time a have ubuntu installed on my computer, but i would like to install also tcl (and maybe slitaz) at the same time.
thnx, d

You can just copy over the 2 base TC files (tinycore.gz and bzImage) and modify your existing bootloader to boot off them.  You can use the install guide for reference.

I don't see tinycore.gz and bzImage on download site (http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/release/).

Are those in iso image?

Yes, they're in the iso - you can access them like this:
--- Code: ---$ mkdir /tmp/image
$ sudo mount -o loop /path-to-file/tinycore_1.2.iso /tmp/image
--- End code ---

tinycore.gz and bzImage will be in /tmp/image/boot

I have precisely this kind of dual-booting Ubuntu/TC setup. It works well, except that Ubuntu is getting lonely from lack of use. When editing the boot-loader menu file /boot/grub/menu.lst, the absolutely minimal approach will work. E.g.,

--- Code: ---title TinyCore 1.2
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/bzImage
initrd  /boot/tinycore.gz

--- End code ---
(You may have to change the numbers that specify your root partition. Insert this block somewhere after the long run of comments whose last line says "End Default Options".) Later, you may want to explore the special options you can add to the kernel command line. These are listed in files f2 and f3 in the ISO image, now also easily accessible on the wiki: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.com/tiki-index.php?page=Boot+Options


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