I turned all the knobs and used all the tips
Can you please elaborate? I'd like to know exactly what made it work. I am interested in the
MicroClient JrSX, but I'd like to know the precise steps to get it to work.
Here is how I compile the modules. It can give you a start:
tar xjf linux-
cd linux-
make mrproper
# Copy custom config here
cp config- .config
make oldconfig < /dev/null
for m in $(cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel; find . -name '*ko.gz'|sed 's:^./::;s:.gz$::;/^misc/d'; cd - >/dev/null); do
# Set your destination path here
MDST=/usr/local/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/$m.gz
make $MSRC || exit 1
mkdir -p $(dirname $MDST)
gzip -2 < $MSRC > $MDST || exit 1
advdef -qz4 $MDST
There are 288 modules, so it will take a while. I don't know if it's any faster than building everything and copying over only what you need. I omitted misc above because the ramzswap.ko is actually in drivers/staging/ramzswap, but I suspect it is built from newer source. Not sure what to do there. Maybe someone can help.