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[SOLVED] suspend workaround

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Right, I have it working to my satisfaction:

--- Code: ---killall Xorg
echo "mem" > /sys/power/state
su tc -c -l echo

--- End code ---

that code is executed by the sleep button routine, in my case acpid.

We need an extension for psmisc. All the other process tree options were pretty complicated compared to "pstree" ;)


--- Quote from: curaga on November 01, 2010, 05:06:03 AM ---We need an extension for psmisc. All the other process tree options were pretty complicated compared to "pstree" ;)

--- End quote ---
So very true, if 'pstree' would have been available I would mentioned it probably as the one and only option ... 


--- Quote from: maro on November 01, 2010, 05:16:52 AM ---
--- Quote from: curaga on November 01, 2010, 05:06:03 AM ---We need an extension for psmisc. All the other process tree options were pretty complicated compared to "pstree" ;)

--- End quote ---
So very true, if 'pstree' would have been available I would mentioned it probably as the one and only option ... 

--- End quote ---
I had actually done a search in repo for 'pstree' while reading this thread and was slightly surprised to find it does not exist.


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