What is missing in the 2.x linux-headers that is present in the 3.x linux-headers?
Using strace, I discovered the missing file is /usr/local/src/linux-headers- Once I got that
file and saved it as .config, vmware-modconfig worked.
Curaga: should it be in the 2.x linux-headers extension? It is in the 3.x version.
So, the full installation procedure for vmware player is:
1) Install extensions
$ for e in compiletc bash coreutils module-init-tools linux-headers-$(uname -r); do tce-load -i $e; done
2) Get config for Tiny Core 2.x only
$ sudo wget -O /lib/modules/
http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/2.x/archive/src/config- 3) Install VMware Player
$ for n in $(seq 0 6); do sudo mkdir -p /etc/rc.d/rc$n.d/; done
$ yes no | sudo bash VMware-Player-3.1.0-261024.i386.bundle
$ sudo sed 's:/sbin/::' -i /etc/rc.d/init.d/vmware
$ sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
I confirmed this exact sequence will install VMware Player in Tiny Core 2.11.6 and 3.2.
$ sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/vmware start
Starting VMware services:
VMware USB Arbitrator done
Virtual machine monitor done
Virtual machine communication interface done
VM communication interface socket family done
Blocking file system done
Virtual ethernet done
Shared Memory Available done
My initial testing indicated you will probably need the following extensions loaded when running it:
- Xorg-7.5 (3.x) or Xorg-7.4 (2.x)
- GConf
- alsa
- bash
- coreutils
- module-init-tools
I was able to create a virtual machine and boot a Tiny Core iso using VMware Player after following these steps.