Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

Confusing (conflicting ??) bits of info in repos

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--- Code: ---Title: edna.tcz

Installation Notes

Python is required but not included as a dependency
to allow for user version preferences.

- python.tcz (current ver. 2.6.4) works as is without modification.

- python-2.5.2.tcz requires a symlink to /usr/local/bin/python which can
  be created like this:

  sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.5 /usr/local/bin/python

- python-2.5.2-minimal does not work at the moment.
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---Title:          python-minimal.tcz

Comments:       This is a stripped down version of Python that takes
up less space with small apps in mind such as the Edna
music server.  This extension is not needed if you
have python.tcz installed.
--- End code ---

Same in 2.x and 3.x repos.

My task being to research about minimal requirements to run edna.

Not conflicting, obsolate. Extension was created in November 2009 during 2.x era and not updated.

Well, I don't think that edna.tcz which is from November 2009 is obsolete, as it is version 0.6 which is same as current source.

However, python-minimal.tcz is version 2.5.2 and from 2008/12/11

By "conflicting" i meant the cross references the 2 extensions have to each other in the info, wrt working in combination or not.

Looks like the ideal case would be if python-minimal.tcz could be updated in a way that it could be useful with edna and possibly other apps, but personally I wouldn't have any idea if this is possible.

I mean obsolate is the extension and environment is was created on, not the upstream.

Having python-minimal on TC 3.x was discussed a while ago and it was dropped according to common agreement. Having a stripped version would cause more problems than offer benefits IMHO.

Ok, but python-minimal.tcz obviously has not been dropped from the 3.x repo.

And as my only interest in python at this moment is wrt edna - and python-minimal.tcz.info explicitely mentions edna - I was wondering (trying to find a solution with lightest footstep possible).


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