Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs

a few issues for apps audit

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Pre-amble.....hard drive install of 3.1

If you have a list of onboot applications and go into apps audit and click on one of the files in right hand pane, the file is removed from the list......which is what you want.

Issue (1)

If I click in the list for ondemand and remove all entries, I have a list on the left hand side which is different from the list.....doing the same thing for the onboot list?

Not sure if that is a bug.....but I thought,  before,  I could move stuff from onboot to ondemand. I am now thinking the list seems to remember what was downloaded originally as ondemand?

(as my ondemand list is smaller than onboot)

Issue (2) .....if I accidently click on empty space, "one line down"  in the right hand pane, the wbar refreshes itself?

Well with an empty list, I am clicking on the top of the RH list and all icons in wbar appear to iconfiy and raise......if I do a normal wbar click on one icon the level of raising is much larger that the effect I achieve here.

The first time this happened to me, I did not know the cause, today, I was able to see it more correctly as I was paying attention to what I was clicking on or not clicking on.

any clues?

Let me know if you need more info.

I have attempted to show snapshot of different size lists for LH side versus RH side

(3) and I have yet to find a way to reproduce it ....always...but

I have clicked in right hand pane and lost all of my apps from that list.

Initially I was thinking that I accidently clicked on empty space but not yet able to reproduce it today.

but it has now happened to me twice and its a bit annoying.....yes I know I should be grateful and drink more aussie beer.


Confirmed. Loading a file into an fltk browser widget does indeed add an extra blank item. Which when selected can cause unpredictable results. I will add a work-a-round for this odd behavior.

Re: your apps.png

"Select for OnDemand" displays currently not installed and not already an on demand extension.
If an extension is already installed it is not shown in the "Select for OnDemand" list.


Looking at that image

1) So what does the left hand pane list for On Boot show please?

I am guessing they are installed but not yet on boot or are dependencies for any showing on boot.

2) So looking at list on demand.......LH side.....these are not installed?

but if not installed, why isn't the list bigger?

3) I suppose my confusion is the semantics of what we mean by installed. If an extension is already installed it does not have to be in the on boot RH list.....but will not be available to show as a possible on demand candidate?

4) So what I am trying to say is......based on my current poor understanding.....would you agree that if I wanted to change my mind and move a selection out of on boot.......it being installed.....does not become a candidate in the LH pane for on demand?

If so, how do I change my mind without deleting the files from opt and doing a backup and then re-doing the apps connect thingee?


Currently as implemented...
1. Click on RHS for to remove app from on boot list.
2. Reboot so the app is not installed (loaded into ram).
3. Click on LHS - Select for on demand, now app will be on demand now and upon subsequent booting.

I will improve it so as not to require 'not installed' (loaded into ram) to work as you describe. Software gets better with public use and feedback. 


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