Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum

Installing wireless


kit jackson:
Sorry if this has been asked before.  If so please point me to the correct thread. 

TC runs fine from CD on a machine with no wired network connection, only a wireless connection, so Connect in Appbrowser produces the error 'Connection error, check network or mirror'.  How do I download wicd.tcz from the web site using another machine if necessary so that I can install it and get TC to use the wireless connection.


Arslan S.:
boot tinycore with "base norestore" boot codes in a machine with wired access

--- Code: ---tce-load -w wicd
mkdir optional
cp /tmp/tce/optional/* optional
tar -czvf wicd.tar.gz optional
--- End code ---

then on other machine with wireless acces

--- Code: ---tar -xzvf wicd.tar.gz -C `cat /opt/.tce_dir`
--- End code ---

also if i don't remember wrong there was a script in programmin/scripting forum section that fetches an extension with all its deps but can't find the link now

one more note you might need a firmware for your wireless card to work, if it is intel brand there is firmware-iwlwifi in the repository

Follow the instructions at http://wiki.tinycorelinux.com/Integrating+Extensions to add in wicd.tgz to your install cd. I did it by finding a system with wired access and booting it with the standard install cd, installed curl and then downloaded an iso with
--- Code: ---curl --output /tmp/tinycore.iso ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/3.x/release/tinycore-current.iso
--- End code ---

Then I followed the instructions. Things to look out for are to make sure that the extensions you want are copied over to /tmp/newiso and burn it to a new cd using xfburn.

kit jackson:
OK,  thanks everybody for your help.  It seems a bit messy but I'll give it a try.  The card itself works OK with W2000 and Ubuntu9.04. 


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