Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

delete/reinstall mocp & auto run it on startup

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I'm new to microcore and just installed it on a virtual machine on my laptop. Now I tried mocp on tinycore and I loved it. Now I just want to try it in microcore but he keeps saying he can't find it. When I look at the appbrowser-cli he says it is allready installed.

My guess is that something went wrong during download. So my question is how do you delete an extension on microcore? it's not like you can go to appsaudit or something..

Other question i have is: how do you let mocp open on startup? I'm planning to put microcore on an old computer and place it inside an old radio. since we can't receive many stations I'm going to use internet radio.

any ideas? 

If it is already installed, you need only add it to tce/onboot.lst.

it doesn't work, but I'm going to reinstall it. it's only a couple off minutes work.. Normally I would keep searching until I found the problem but in this case I don't want to keep messing with it :p

so it's working now, I just need to get it running when microcore boots up.

I made a startup script that is located here:

this is the script:

--- Code: ---#/bin/sh
--- End code ---

since mocp is located in /usr/local/bin/

1st problem is that I don't know if this code would work in the first place.
2nd problem is that for some reason this isn't backed up when I reboot even when use filetool.sh backup
so I guess I'm doing something wrong.

ideas anyone?

I have observed that some custom scripts or config files saved in backup could be overwritten by loading an extension.
Why not add this line to /opt/bootlocal.sh ?


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