Tiny Core Base > TCB Q&A Forum

Norestore restores anyway?


Every boot, the contents of /mnt/hda1/home/tc/ are being copied to /home/tc/ . If I understand correctly, /home is in RAM.

I don't see a point to having user documents in hda1/home/tc/ copied to RAM, but maybe there is one.

My menu.lst includes: kernel /boot/bzImage quiet norestore opt=hda1 home=hda1 tce=hda1

filetool.lst does not contain any mention of home.

How can I prevent RAM from being populated with user documents that live on hda1?

Your opt and home boot options are re-defining their location to be on the hard disk.
Home is not being copied, it is being mounted.

Here is an easy way to test that:

--- Code: ---touch /home/tc/dirtest
ls -l /mnt/hda1/home/tc/dirtest

--- End code ---

Thank you!


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