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Making the mouse pointer dissapear!


Hi all,

I imagine this sounds like a strange request but I need to hide the mouse pointer when Tony Core Linux boots. I'm developing a kiosk application you see and I don't want the pointer to show when the system boots up and loads the first screen. I would however like the mouse pointer to appear when an admin logs into the machine and moves the mouse.

I'm guessing this will involve something to do with xset but I've not been able to find it yet



In debian, there is an application called "unclutter", perhaps you could get that ported to tinycore if it's not already available

Or do it by hand, as outlined here (I did this back in the day and it works):


and note the correction to the original solution posted below it

FYI I've upgraded to tc3.0 and compiled the unclutter source from debian into an extension that seems to work nicely.

I'll see what I can do about submitting it to the maintainers

edit:  there is now an unclutter extension for 3.x in the repository


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