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USB Tether with Andorid Phone

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All I want to use my tiny core for is web browsing over a usb tether. What commands do I need to execute to make it happen? I am a Tiny core newbie, so go easy ...

Will have a play on the weekend, but I'm guessing you'll need usb-rndis-lite (Part of SynCE I believe?) to get it working. I built an usb-rndis-lite package a while back for 2.x, but didn't submit it to the repo before the laptop died, so when I get a chance, I'll rebuild it and test if it works with android, and then submit it to the repo.

Keep in mind, different version of android from different manufacturers and carriers have different features, so even if it works for me, it might not for you. YMMV.

Also, my TC2.x partition died along with the laptop it was on, so any package I build for this will necessitate that you be running TC3RC1.

Didn't get time last weekend, won't have time next weekend, so maybe the weekend after that, time permitting.

Don't the phones regardless of connection type and OS just show up as modems [among other supported profiles]? I remember reading how only pppd can be used to set things up.

hmm, my galaxy wasn't showing up as a modem straight off, but perhaps I'm letting my experience with windows phones get in the way. Will investigate more when I get time...

I remember my old Nokia & Sony Ericsson both showing a modem in their IrDA profiles. Never used it though, or bought a cable for either.


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