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Appbrowser install button can not work


My Environment:
Windows 7
VMware-workstation 7.0

When download a packet(cfdisk.tcz),
then I want use install button to install it,
but it can not work and tip to me "cfdisk is already download!"
then I click Appbrowser local button and select the packet(cfdisk),
then the packet will be install ok.

What is wrong with me?

Install: Downloads the package and adds it to onboot.lst, and installs
Download: Downloads the package. If you want it available on boot, you need to manually add it to onboot.lst. If you want it available after downloading, you need to click "Local".

Click one or the other, not both.

Dear althalus:
Thanks for you answer.
my english not very good.

And could you help me resolve another question:

thanks again


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