Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

Permanent disable DHCP + run script at startup

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I'm working on a customized version of microcore-current, but have ran into problems.
I want the OS to:
1) Permanently skip setting up network (as I won't need it, ever)
2) Run a script when startup is finished.

So basically I've followed the Remaster-guide from wiki, and it seems like I want to edit /etc/init.d/tc-config, right? But I can't understand which part I'll have to delete to skip the network-configuration during boot.

I would probably need to use a cron-job here, right? But where to put the script in that case?
The script looks like this:

--- Code: ---#!/bin/bash
sudo su
cd /home/tc
dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.backup bs=446 count=1
md5sum -c mbr.backup md5.txt

--- End code ---
I need to view the output, so it can't be hidden in the background.

1) You need to prevent dhcp.sh from running. Three solutions:
1.1) The most common way to do this is with the "nodhcp" boot parameter.
1.2) Set NODHCP=1 at the beginning of /etc/init.d/tc-config and remaster.
1.3) To avoid remastering, replace /etc/init.d/dhcp.sh with an empty script in a backup file.

2) No cron job needed. The /opt/bootlocal.sh is executed in the background at the end of /etc/init.d/tc-config. Two solutions:
2.1) Remove the '&' at the end of the "/opt/bootlocal.sh &" line in /etc/init.d/tc-config. It will then run in the foreground.
2.2) To avoid remastering, you could add code to /root/.profile and put that file in your backup.

There are other ways as well, depending on what you are trying to do.

1. Add the 'nodhcp' boot option.
2. Add your script to /opt/bootlocal.sh

1) I made an empty /etc/init.d/dhcp.sh, and it works like a charm, so thanks for the quick replies.

2) This is however still bothering me. I've placed the script in /opt/bootlocal.sh and have removed the "&" after the line in tc-config, but the script refuses to run.

I tried the following command, just to see whether the script could run manually on TC/MC or not, and it seems like a no-go, but why?

--- Code: ---$ sudo su
# cd /opt
# ./bootlocal.sh
sh: ./bootlocal.sh: not found

--- End code ---
Then I used the ls-command to verify, that the script actually existed in /opt, and it did.
I've done chmod u+x before I moved the script to /opt from my native system (Ubuntu)

Current /opt/bootlocal.sh:

--- Code: ---#!/bin/bash
echo helloworld
--- End code ---

use ls -l to verify that it is executable.


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