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Embedding Flit

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Just wondering, is there any way to embed Flit so that it does not show up in flwm's menu?

Hi aplannan.  If I understand your question, the short answer is: technically possible but probably not desireable by the TC core team.

I think you are asking if flwm and Flit could be merged.  If one were to do so, then Flit would not appear as a separate application in the right-click pop-up menu.  I could understand that some people might prefer things to be like this, but perhaps other people would prefer using it as it is now.

I wrote Flit and I have hacked on flwm, so I am fairly sure things could be merged at the C programming level if one want to do so badly enough, but that's a fairly drastic step.  I don't think there is anything that can be done on a user-configuration level to prevent Flit from showing up in the flwm menu, but maybe a more knowlegeable flwm expert than I will prove me wrong.  :)

The TC Core Team seem to prefer a very simple base system and then offer flexible ways to extend it. The current flwm and optional Flit match this approach, so that's probably how it will be for now.

Edit: Wo00t!  200 posts!  8)
Mike L.

Thanks for writing flit, Mike. I think it's very handy. In fact, I have modified .xsessions to that it appears automatically on-screen in the lower-left corner.

Thanks Mike for your reply. I guess I was hoping that there was a way to have flwm ignore flit. I agree it should not be combined with flwm, what I envisioned was more along the lines of how I've seen conky run in the desktop behind the window manager. I thought there might be an xsession or Xlib argumnet that could do this with filt, but then I am a newbie. Thank you for Flit, it is a very nice little app.



--- Quote from: aplannan on March 08, 2010, 01:41:55 PM ---Thanks Mike for your reply. I guess I was hoping that there was a way to have flwm ignore flit. I agree it should not be combined with flwm, what I envisioned was more along the lines of how I've seen conky run in the desktop behind the window manager. I thought there might be an xsession or Xlib argumnet that could do this with filt, but then I am a newbie. Thank you for Flit, it is a very nice little app.


--- End quote ---

Try editing .xsession to delete ref to flit and add the following:

exec /usr/local/bin/conky &


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