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tinycore installation help

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I created /tce and edited syslinux.cfg

append initrd=/boot/tinycore.gz quiet max_loop=256 tinycore waitusb=5 tinycore tce=sdc1
ppend initrd=/boot/tinycore.gz quiet max_loop=256 tce=sdc1 tinycore waitusb=5
wrong ?

however I noticed that tinycore put extensions in /tmp/tcloop, not in sdc1/tce
so I do not find them after rebooting

Remove tce=sdc1

I have this tce folder on the pen
and the config file edited as you said
but tinycore put extensions in /tmp/tcloop
not in tce on the pen
I hope there is solution.

Try waitusb=10

@P5music: Please note that the loop-mounting of extension will always use '/tmp/tcloop'. To make it a bit more clear:

(1) Let me start with the case of the "cloud" mode (which is not what you are aiming for, but to explain things step-by-step I'll begin here): Extension files (e.g. EXT.tcz, plus their respective .dep and .md5.txt files) will be saved to '/tmp/tce/optional'. The "installation" happens via loop-mounting using mount points under '/tmp/tcloop'. Please note that '/opt/.tce_dir' contains an entry of '/tmp/tce'.

(2) When using persistence (which is what you are aiming for) the system should "automagically" identify your "tce" directory on your pendrive and use that instead of '/tmp/tce'. For argument sake I will assume your partition is '/dev/sda1'. If the detection works properly, the entry in '/opt/.tce_dir' should have changed to '/mnt/sda1/tce'. The extension files should be saved under '/mnt/sda1/tce/optional', but the mount points for the loop-mounting are still under '/tmp/tcloop'.

In no scenario I'm aware of should there be any EXT.tcz files under '/tmp/tcloop'.


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