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need recommendations for test installation

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wicd can be set up to automatically connect to a particular network when started, so it should work well for your purposes. It has the added benefit, should you ever need it, of detecting and connecting to other networks as well. Anyhooo. . .

Looks like I'm not going to be able to be quite as tricky as I thought with this test install. I get the dreaded "No setup signature found" message when I try to boot the new tinycore entry I made. A google search reveals that this is due to incompatibility of older GRUB versions with newer 2.6.x kernels. It appears my DSL installation uses such an older version of GRUB.

Anyway, not a big problem, methinks. I'll just have to install the newer GRUB to this HD using the tinycore CD--I think I recall seeing pretty good instruction for doing this on the web site. I'll report back once I've got it booting.



--- Quote from: jamtat on March 05, 2010, 06:36:23 AM ---So I will need some clarification on this. Is tinycore.gz both an initramfs and a the filesystem the OS runs from once booted? In other words, can I specify something like initramfs=/tinycore/tinycore.gz in my GRUB entry and expect that to work (having specified something like kernel=/tinycore/bzImage as well, of course)?
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--- Quote ---Or do I maybe need to loop-mount the iso and extract the initramfs from there--it not being available for separate download?

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The same files are used on the iso.

--- Quote from: jamtat on March 05, 2010, 10:49:10 AM ---Looks like I'm not going to be able to be quite as tricky as I thought with this test install. I get the dreaded "No setup signature found" message when I try to boot the new tinycore entry I made. A google search reveals that this is due to incompatibility of older GRUB versions with newer 2.6.x kernels. It appears my DSL installation uses such an older version of GRUB.

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This was also reported here on these forums, iirc.


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