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which variable stores the screen resolution value


Hi all,
          When tiny core boots up, it automatically pickup the host's resolution.
How does it pick up and which variable contains that resolution value.??

Jason W:
It is in ~/.xsession, and it defaults to 1024X768x32 when Xvesa is used.


--- Quote from: Jason W on March 02, 2010, 06:04:21 AM ---It is in ~/.xsession, and it defaults to 1024X768x32 when Xvesa is used.

--- End quote ---
that is the value present in .xsession file under /etc/skel/ but what if the resolution for some other system is different??
Does TinyCore automatically fit itself to the different host resolutions?
if i am wrong, guide me.

Jason W:
If the desired resolution is different than that, it would need to be set by running xsetup.sh.


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