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disabling dynamic menu



 I am currently using flwm in tinycore 2.8.1. Is there any way to disable dynamic menu when it comes to ~/.wmx. so that I can write and organize my own menu file?



Figured this out. Maybe not the most elegant way of doing this, but I thought I would post this just in case anyone else was interested in managing their own menu.  I added this at the end of my /home/tc/.xsession file:

sudo rm -r -f /home/tc/.wmx
ln -s  /mnt/hda3/new_tc/flwm/.wmx   /home/tc/.wmx

First line erases the .wmx created by tiny core. The second line creates a symlink in it's place to a different  location. In this case /mnt/hda3/new_tc/flwm/.wmx.

So far seems to working great.



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