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What's the noautologin / secure default password when /etc/shadow fails to save?

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I just can't get this to work, it never wants to accept my password. Should/can I delete /etc/shadow to really start over? I think there is a fundamental flaw in the whole thing related to the fact that I am using a custom user. When I try logging in as myself or root I keep getting incorrect password, but if I simply type "TC" I GET FULL ACCESS TO THE SYSTEM!!!

I see. I did some quick investigation. I don't know why, but xlock doesn't use the user's password. The first time you run it, it prompts you to enter a "Key." It then stores that password in ~/.xlockrc for validation. If you remove that file, it will ask you to enter a password again the next time you run it.

If I run xlock as root, it does not prompt for a "Key" and correctly uses the root password to unlock. Does anyone know why it would not work for the tc user or how to make it work?

danielibarnes, I noticed that too but then found xscreensaver in the repo - it's much better in all ways.

The man page states:

Shadow Passwords
If the machine is using a shadow password system, then xlock may not be set up to get the real password and so must be given one of its own. This can be either on the command line, via the -cpasswd option, or in the file $HOME/.xlockrc, with the first taking precedence. In both cases an encrypted password is expected. If neither is given, then xlock will prompt for a password and will use that, also storing an encrypted version of it in $HOME/.xlockrc for future use.

It seems to say xlock cannot use a non-root user's password in systems which use shadow passwords. I didn't notice it before, but the .info points this out. xscreensaver-base has a number of dependencies, but xtrlock-2.0, xlockmore, and xautolock-2.2 do not have any. Lots of choices. :)

I never tried encrypted home, so I am unfamiliar with its operation. It can secure your data, but the system itself would still be just as open.

cryptohome is not supported in current releases anymore.


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