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Nothings installs successfully

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Hows it going.

For the last couple of days, everytime I try to install something it either says:

"Error: wget: server returned error: HPTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable on leafpad.tcz"


"Error: mount: cannot setup loop device: No such file or directory"

I've tried changing mirrors, it doesn't help.

Any tips?

Thanks in advance.

How are you trying to download the extension - using the appbrowser or downloading directly with wget or browser and http/ftp?

When I get that first error (request range not satisfiable) I'm usually trying to download an extension I've already got.


--- Quote from: althalus on February 18, 2010, 11:48:39 PM ---When I get that first error (request range not satisfiable) I'm usually trying to download an extension I've already got.

--- End quote ---

OK, but again  :)

--- Quote ---How are you trying to download the extension - using the appbrowser or downloading directly with wget or browser and http/ftp?
--- End quote ---

Are you possibly running aout of loop devices?


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