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Change keymap?

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Have followed the instructions for installing kmap.tcz and doing the command loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/uk.kmap but no change takes place still has default u.s keymap on my aspire one netbook

any help would be great :-\

Well Ive discovered that after doing ctrl + alt +backspace then restarting x with startx it seems to work or at least partly i get the hash key and @ keys in the right place but still no sign of the good old u.k pound not anywhere on the keyboard!!!
So still not right  ???

Did you drop to console before giving the command? It does not work completely inside X.

Yes I killed x and restarted it again with startx and the keys changed but not fully however when I did a reboot they were back to us keys again, perhaps this is something to do with adding a boot code?

If kmaps.tcz is in your tce directory, and loaded on boot, you can use the bootcode kmap=uk to have the kmap loaded on boot.


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