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squinting my eyes


I have installed TCL 2.8 to hard disk and I like it.

Unfortunately, my eyes seem to disagree, after squinting
for a minute at the terminal window they go on strike.

Is there a way to get a terminal window twice the width
and twice the height with a 18p font?

Not really the answer you want, but you can change the screen resolution.

From the main menu (right click), select Tools -> Xvesa Setup.

You can also run a light or dark terminal if that is any help. From the menu, select Shells.

Using Xorg it is easy to adjust in the terminal, in the gtk rc file, as well as the screen resolution, color depth, ...

Aterm only supports bitmap fonts, and I don't think there are that many included. You can try using something like
"-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" as the font name in .Xdefaults.

Alternatively, use a terminal emulator that supports Truetype fonts, like Terminal or lxterminal. The font size should be easily available in their preferences.

Still there Frank, you run IceWM without Xorg? I've got a fix for ya.


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