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(hard drive install)


Hi there iam trying to load tinycore on a small HardDrive
i tried copying files to grub and things like that maybe
theres an other way maybe just an installer CD,



If you don't care about any existing data, use the usbinstall script.

TCL wiki has explained the Hard Disk installation of TCL in a very nice way - step-by-step !
I have installed on HDD partitions a nimber of times with diff partitions configuration successfully.
But instead of using GParted / PartitionMagic or any third party partiion manager, I used Knoppix Live CD to do the steps which were supposed to be completed in the partition manager as suggested  in the wiki.
Also there is no need to lose any data on your exsting HDD - only you should have some free un-assigned free space left on your HDD  to create a new partition  to install TCL ( minimum 100MB for TCL and another 128MB or more for a swap partition ).
The rest is to be done as explained in the wiki.
Hope this helps !
~ Pats

My HOWTO for installing Tiny Core on a netbook (i.e., without CD) might help you:



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