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Author Topic: rox-filer  (Read 3742 times)

Offline Jason W

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« on: November 14, 2009, 07:32:24 PM »
Updated and added freedesktop menu/icon entries:

Code: [Select]
Title:          rox-filer-locale.tcz
Description:    Rox Filer file manager locale data.
Version:        2.10
Author:         Thomas Leonard
Original-site:  rox.sourceforge.net
Copying-policy: GPL
Size: 1MB
Extension_by:   Jason W
Comments:       ---------
Change-log:     2009/01/01 First version 2.8
Current: 2009/11/14 Upgraded to 2.10 and added freedesktop

Code: [Select]
Title:          rox-filer.tcz
Description:    Rox Filer file manager.
Version:        2.10
Author:         Thomas Leonard
Original-site:  rox.sourceforge.net
Copying-policy: GPL
Size: 823KB
Extension_by:   Jason W
Comments:       ---------
Change-log:     2009/01/01 First version 2.8
Current: 2009/11/14 Upgraded to 2.10 and added freedesktop

Offline maro

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Re: rox-filer
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2010, 04:09:48 AM »
I hope this is the correct thread the Jason was referring to.

Anyway, 'rox-filer' is crashing with TC 3.0alpha4. So I first tried with 'strace' with a view to compare TC 3.0alpha3 vs. TC 3.0alpha4. I have to say that was a bit a "slippery customer" because I had to first start 'rox' and then attach to the process that had been started with strace -p $( ps | grep ROX-Filer | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1}' ). I then caused the failure and captured the 'strace' output. Nevertheless the comparison was not so straight forward (i.e. lots of "noise"), but there was at least a segfault after reading from a XML file to be found.

So to confirm the hunch that a library update could be the root cause of the issue I gave 'gdb' a try: after attaching to the running process I caused again the failure and the back trace indicated that a library from 'libxml2.tcz' might be the culprit. Since 'libxml2.so.2' depends on 'libz.so.1' the theory gained a bit credibility.

I therefore downloaded the 'libxml2' sources (accidentally I picked up the more recent version 2.7.7) and did a "quick&dirty" test (with just ./configure; make ; sudo make install). After this change 'rox' stopped crashing for the known case. Since I don't use this application I'm not in a position to really thoroughly conduct a test. But I believe this finding shows that a rebuild of 'libxml2.tcz' might fix the problem.

Offline curaga

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Re: rox-filer
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2010, 04:35:18 AM »
I can confirm:


Bug Fixes: libxml violates the zlib interface and crashes (Mark Adler)
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline Jason W

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Re: rox-filer
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2010, 07:43:19 AM »
Thanks maro and Curaga, I was looking in the direction of libpng.

I will update libxml2.