Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum

tce-load not working


not sure if this is the appropriate forum but, it is a question and I hope to get an answer.

I'm working on a script to automate installation of tc inside a virtual machine but should work also on a hard drive without any problems.  It's not the goal of the script to solve all problems for all people but is a simple solution for the 90% case, getting tc installed without typing lots of commands which can be a major source of problems.

The problem I'm having is that tce-load doesn't seem to work from  the script or the command line.  If I type a command like:

tce-load -w -i grub-0.97-splash.tcz
tce-load -w -i parted.tczl

the command terminates silently and the programs have not been loaded.  Clearly I'm missing something.  I haven't found it yet in my searches of the archives and the net  so I would appreciate some help understanding what's wrong.



Be sure you run these commands as user and not root.

oh dear.  That's not good.  The script runs as root or, more correctly, from the root account because of all the other options that normally run as root.  suggestions?

you could try: sudo -u tc tce-load -w -i grub-0.97-splash.tcz


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