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flwm: logout calls /usr/bin/exittc even I have /usr/local/bin/exittc

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sorry roberts to make u work more then your health permits.
While I was trin' to sleep yesterday, I thought more about my request and I changed my mind, but I was lazy to go back to the pc, also cause I'm injured this days, and now I see it's already late, u've already done the job.
I was thinking that for a more complete translation I should modify the flwm source code translating the default menu and since I'm there I could myself change the line that calls exittc.


--- Quote from: roberts ---user commands are typically at the end of the search path.
--- End quote ---


--- Code: ---if [ -d "$HOME/.local/bin" ] ; then
export PATH
--- End code ---

This isn't a very recent version, but if it hasn't changed it looks like user commands are at the start of PATH.  Maybe I misunderstood what you said.

I see again executables in the cpanel called with full path

Old habits are sometimes hard to break. Full path is faster than searching several paths, but I know that your language extension requires such. I have removed full paths from cpanel for next cut.


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