Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum

[SOLVED] How do I start alsa so that it's not muted (default)?


Straight after boot, if I invoke 'alsamixer' at the command line, it always shows ALSA as muted.
This appears to be the default mode.
Is there anyway I can change this so that when I boot, ASLA is not muted?
I'm running microcore 2.3.1.

If you use the alsa init script to start the sound, your mixer settings should be loaded automatically.

If not, you can do it manually too:

alsamixer # set everything up
sudo alsactl store # save mixer settings to /etc/asound.state

Then in bootlocal.sh

alsactl restore

If I put 'alsactl restore' in bootlocal.sh then I get a bunch of ALSA errors starting with a failure to find any sound card.
However, if I put 'alsactl restore' in .profile it works.
I've got it working now.  Thanks for you help.


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