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[SOLVED] How do I start 'mocp' at login?

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I want to boot microcore so that the command:

mocp -m /mnt/sdb1/music

is executed at the very end of the boot process (ie. after autologin) so that microcore becomes a defacto jukebox for me.

I've tried puting the above command into /opt/bootlocal.sh or ~/.profile but both methods end with failure.
Is there anyway I can do it?

I'm running microcore 2.3.1.

Does moc work at all for you? There has been some problems with moc so make sure you have the latest version.

Hm, maybe ~/.ashrc?

Does mocp run well in console/terminal when you start it manually?

Is sdb1 a usb device, and if so is it being detected and mounted in time to be used?

Is your system still set up to startx X automatically?  There may be a conflict in that case, since mocp tries to create a curses interface by default.  Try mocp -S -m /mnt/sdb1/music, to start it without the gui.

I have it working now.
I have:

sleep 1 && alsactl restore && /usr/local/bin/mocp -m /mnt/sdb1/music

in ~/.profile.
I found I needed the 1 second for things to settle down otherwise I had complaints that alsactl couldn't find any soundcards.
I've saved my alsamixer configuration in /etc/asound.state file and it's included in /opt/.filetool.lst so that it survives a reboot.
Everything is working now.  <2.5% CPU usage on my Atom CPU, <60MB of RAM used when playing .mp3s and <11MB of disc space (excluding my .mp3 library).



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