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easy X

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Hi, all!

Can anybody make of installation of great X more easily?

I'm not Linux-Guru, just user.... I installed tcl 10 or more times. And X is about 7, but only 2 or 3 times i have success with X! ;-(

Yes! I read wikis, forums, .info of Xorg.tce,....

It's need too just CLICK_AND_SETUP.

it's all i need! ;-)

If you use the latest version of tinycore and the latest version of Xorg.tczl and place Xorg.tczl in /tce and reboot, it will probably "just work" without any xorg.conf...


--- Quote from: Juanito on October 13, 2009, 04:17:42 AM ---If you use the latest version of tinycore and the latest version of Xorg.tczl and place Xorg.tczl in /tce and reboot, it will probably "just work" without any xorg.conf...

--- End quote ---

yes, i have Xorg-7.4.tczl in /tce. Sorry for a newbie question, how i can check is X start correctly?

I guess if it boots to the desktop, then it is working  :)

To double-check that Xorg is running and not Xvesa, you could do something like this in a terminal window:
--- Code: ---$ ps auxww | grep Xorg
--- End code ---


--- Quote from: Juanito on October 13, 2009, 05:20:50 AM ---I guess if it boots to the desktop, then it is working  :)

To double-check that Xorg is running and not Xvesa, you could do something like this in a terminal window:
--- Code: ---$ ps auxww | grep Xorg
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

 7138 root     /usr/local/bin/Xorg -nolisten tcp

is ok?  8)

what is it ps? ps auxww? grep?


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