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CUPS: Ver. 1.3.8 works - 1.4.1 doesn't

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After many searches here on the forum and (most of the rest of) internet I am unable to figure out my problem and need a little help.

I'm running TC 2.3.1 only with kmaps and Opera mounted during startup. After startup I mount Beaver, Emelfm, wireless-, wireless_tools and wl.

If I load cups.tcel (ver. 1.3.8) locally printing works fine on my network attached hp laserjet 1300n (socket connection).
I can print a test page from CUPS, a file from terminal and a file from beaver.

If I mount cups.tczl (ver. 1.4.1) it doesn't work:
If I try to print a test page from CUPS I get an error saying "Unsupported format 'application/vnd.cups-banner'!".
The job list is empty.
If I try to print a file from terminal lpd responds "lp: successful -ok" but the job list shows that the job was cancelled immediately after it was created.
If I try to print a file from Beaver it is also cancelled.

CUPS error_log:
--- Code: ---E [06/Oct/2009:21:03:37 +0000] Unable to open listen socket for address ::1:631 - Address family not supported by protocol.
E [06/Oct/2009:21:04:33 +0000] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "box:631"
E [06/Oct/2009:21:04:33 +0000] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "box:631"
E [06/Oct/2009:21:04:33 +0000] Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "box:631"
E [06/Oct/2009:21:04:50 +0000] [CGI] smbclient not found!
E [06/Oct/2009:21:04:50 +0000] [CGI] rpcclient not found!
E [06/Oct/2009:21:06:10 +0000] [cups-driverd] Unable to open driver directory "/usr/local/lib/cups/driver": No such file or directory
E [06/Oct/2009:21:06:22 +0000] [cups-driverd] Unable to open driver directory "/usr/local/lib/cups/driver": No such file or directory
E [06/Oct/2009:21:07:08 +0000] Returning IPP client-error-document-format-not-supported for Print-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/hplj1300) from localhost
E [06/Oct/2009:21:28:15 +0000] Returning IPP client-error-document-format-not-supported for Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/hplj1300) from localhost

--- End code ---

I'll be more whan willing to supply additional information in case anyone of you have a clue.

Thanks in advance!


You're right. CUPS 1.4 in the tczl package is broken several ways.  You are best to stick with 1.3.8.

Too bad.
I read that tce(l) will be phased out in the upcoming TC 2.4.


I converted the CUPS 1.3.8 tce package to a tcz and installed it in TC 2.4rc4. It works fine.

Quoting from http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/mandriva-linux-help/151962-solved-cups-printing-error-request-localhost-using-invalid-host-field.html

--- Quote ---Request from "localhost" using invalid Host: field "::1"


A bit of searching led to a few such CUPS related errors, all posted after recent upgrades (mostly since April). The solutions varied... I did the following to get it to work:
Open /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
Add the line "ServerAlias *"
Add the line "Port 631"
Add the line "Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock"
Save the file and restart cups ("/etc/init.d/cups restart").
--- End quote ---

If that works, maybe it should be added to the extension.


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