Tiny Core Base > TCB Q&A Forum

/etc/skel and extensions


Looking quickly through tc-config, it appears to me that extension unpacking happens after the user's home directory is set up, and that extension post-install scripts are run directly after extension loading.  However, with extensions containing files in /etc/skel, the files show up and get copied to the home dir, but trying to keep an extension PPI compatible and copying files into /etc/skel in a post-install script does not have the files end up in the home dir.  I would like understand why this is, and ask if it would be possible to have it so post-install scripts can be used to place files in the user's home dir.  Thanks!

Jason W:
I place files in the /home directory like this when using the post install script when the file is stored under /usr/local/share/exensionname/dirname :

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh

TCHOME=`cat /etc/sysconfig/tcuser`

[ -f /home/"$TCHOME"/.config ] || rsync -aL /usr/local/share/exensionname/dirname/config-orig /home/"$TCHOME"/.config

--- End code ---


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