Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

Intel 10GBASE-T X520/X540 driver support?

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Hi CentralWare
If you go the  udev  route, you can trigger it in  bootsync  with:

--- Code: ---udevadm trigger --type=devices --action=add
--- End code ---

just tidying up the new udev rule and rebooting...

* Need to determine WHEN the rule must be in /etc/udev in order to be seen prior to devadm re-triggering the list  (Just adding the rule to /etc/udev/rules saved in mydata.tgz doesn't do it early enough.)
* Need to adjust filters to ensure they cover the different hardware (IDs especially) or leave those out
* Need a refill...  coffee pot empty...

Assuming all interfaces are down when bootsync fires, udevadm trigger (-v) doesn't look as though it sees or cares about the ADD rules, implemented after extraction of mydata.tgz
Then I came across this in a udev manpage reference:

--- Quote ---[NAME]
The name to use for a network interface. See systemd.link(5) for a higher-level mechanism for setting the interface name. The name of a device node cannot be changed by udev, only additional symlinks can be created.

--- End quote ---
Of course, this doesn't mean under certain environments it "cannot" be done; to be universal they likely meant "should not - we won't respond to bug reports if you do!"

All in all, it looks like networking names/rules need to be added to tc-config to make this boot friendly (during hot-swap initialization) OR through ifRename during bootsync/bootlocal.  BUT...  it works!
Turns out two network cards/four network ports, the onboard sound card (which I thought was disabled in BIOS?!) AND PEG2 video are all using the same interrupts...  kernel must love this machine!

Hello, just a thought... sorry for get more confuse..in my arch dist setup i just add the
kernel command line option, to say that i don't wan't these micke mouse names.
I don't have more then one Ethernet interface, so it is safe... for my part.

Here you have the arg to the kernel command line.

--- Code: ---net.ifnames=0
--- End code ---

Don't know if this is just for systemd or i this is for another init systems or this is a kernel parameter.
I think if you have lot's of interfaces, the best option will be to just let udev do the thing, and like you said get the correct parameters from bios

To know what interface is what.

And then talking about interfaces, I also disable ipv6 in the kernel command line with:

--- Code: ---ipv6.disable=1
--- End code ---

mornin' @PatrikG!

ipv6 -- things here for the TCL server turned out to be dependent on v6 even though we don't have USE for it, thus turning that one off may crash our kernel bonding driver.  For most home networks and small business...  the need for v6 is unheard of, so it should be safe otherwise.

ifnames=false/0 I'm thinking is a bypass switch for those who have custom rules set up.
For example, let's say you had two entries in your Arch boot menu where the first one used wireless and the second one used ethernet, but the software running on the machine expects "eth0"...  you could create a rule to rename wlan0 to eth0 and in doing so, the system doesn't know the difference between it being wired...  or on wifi.  For the wired version, you'd use the kernel switch to disregard naming rules.  That's my take anyway, without digging through the manual.

Hi CentralWare

--- Quote from: CentralWare on November 09, 2023, 10:30:58 PM --- ... Need to determine WHEN the rule must be in /etc/udev in order to be seen prior to devadm re-triggering the list  (Just adding the rule to /etc/udev/rules saved in mydata.tgz doesn't do it early enough.)

 ----- Snip -----

Assuming all interfaces are down when bootsync fires, udevadm trigger (-v) doesn't look as though it sees or cares about the ADD rules, implemented after extraction of mydata.tgz ...
--- End quote ---

Try making your rules look like this:

--- Code: ---SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="08:00:27:2e:7a:49", ATTR{type}=="1", NAME="ethN"
--- End code ---

If you really need the rules to show up earlier, I think you
could achieve that with a second small  initrd  file:

--- Code: ---mkdir -p tempdir/etc/udev/rules.d
cd tempdir
cp Path/To/70-persistent-net.rules etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo find . | sudo cpio -o -H newc | gzip > /path/to/new/udevfs.gz
--- End code ---

You should then be able to add it to your bootloaders config file
after  corepure64.gz.  Depending on your bootloader, you need
to separate the two initrd filenames with a space or a comma.


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